Saturday, February 25, 2012

Really basic question...

I have bumbled along and managed to install a SQL server
on my machine... and with the install I have created a
user "Admin" along with a password ( yay )
Anyways... what I would like to know now is how to create
other users and allow them access to the DB.
SQL Server supports 2 types of authentications,
1. SQL Server
2. OS Level
If it is SQL Server , Login to server using Enterprise manager then select
the security tab.
1. Right click on logins and add a new login.
2. Provide the user name and select SQL server authentication
3. Give a password and select the required servide wide roles
4. Give the database that user need access.
If it is OS Level , you have to create the user at OS level and use the same
security tab to give the roles and access to databases.
"me" <> wrote in message
> I have bumbled along and managed to install a SQL server
> on my machine... and with the install I have created a
> user "Admin" along with a password ( yay )
> Anyways... what I would like to know now is how to create
> other users and allow them access to the DB.
> Thanks
> Me|||Use a tool like Enterprise Manager to create users. You need to create
logins in SQL Server and then map these logins to databases.
Please reply to the whole group only!
"me" <> wrote in message
> I have bumbled along and managed to install a SQL server
> on my machine... and with the install I have created a
> user "Admin" along with a password ( yay )
> Anyways... what I would like to know now is how to create
> other users and allow them access to the DB.
> Thanks
> Me|||Click the folder Security and expand
Right Click the folder Logins and select "New User"
The rest you will need to read up on.
If you need a bit more advise then email me. In reverse
order(to stop autospammers) my email is
PS Never give your Admin password out to anyone - Keep it
safe, Keep it Secret.
>--Original Message--
>I have bumbled along and managed to install a SQL server
>on my machine... and with the install I have created a
>user "Admin" along with a password ( yay )
>Anyways... what I would like to know now is how to create
>other users and allow them access to the DB.
>|||Which should be the prefferred way to add users?
SQL Server or OS level
>--Original Message--
>SQL Server supports 2 types of authentications,
>1. SQL Server
>2. OS Level
>If it is SQL Server , Login to server using Enterprise
manager then select
>the security tab.
>1. Right click on logins and add a new login.
>2. Provide the user name and select SQL server
>3. Give a password and select the required servide wide
>4. Give the database that user need access.
>If it is OS Level , you have to create the user at OS
level and use the same
>security tab to give the roles and access to databases.
>"me" <> wrote in
>> I have bumbled along and managed to install a SQL
>> on my machine... and with the install I have created a
>> user "Admin" along with a password ( yay )
>> Anyways... what I would like to know now is how to
>> other users and allow them access to the DB.
>> Thanks
>> Me
>|||Thanks for all of the great help... Is there a way to do
this programmatically ?
>--Original Message--
>I have bumbled along and managed to install a SQL server
>on my machine... and with the install I have created a
>user "Admin" along with a password ( yay )
>Anyways... what I would like to know now is how to
>other users and allow them access to the DB.

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